Raji Reddy was born in 1973 [Rekonda-village, Karimnagar-Dist.] and completed school education at the same place. He has obtained B. Sc. from Kakatiya University in 1994 (SRR Govt. Degree College-Karimnagar) and M. Sc. from Osmania University, Hyderabad in 1997. After completion of Ph. D. at CSIR-Indian Institute Chemical Technology, Hyderabad in 2002 (Ph. D. degree awarded by Osmania University), he moved as a post-doctoral fellow to University of South Florida, Tampa, USA (2002) and subsequently to University of Mississippi, USA (2002-2005). He returned to India in 2005 and joined as a principal scientist in Sai Life Sciences, Hyderabad. After spending one year, he moved to CSIR-IICT, Hyderabad as a Senior Scientist at the Department of Organic Synthesis & Process Chemistry (since 2006) and presently he is Chief Scientist & Chair.
Research Interest:
(i) the chemistry of propargylic alcohols
(ii) enyne-assisted annulation reactions
(iii) Dearomatization of Propiolamides & Acrylamides
(iv) Process development of complex APIs

Dr. Ch. Raji Reddy
Chief Scientist & Chair
Department of Organic Synthesis
and Process Chemistry
CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
Tarnaka, Hyderabad - 500007
(Off) Phone: 040-27191885
Email ID: rajireddy@iict.res.in
Annulation reactions towards polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH’s), heterocycles and carbocycles: Aromatization and dearomatization methods
Total Synthesis of Bio-active Natural Products: Alkaloids and macrolides
Synthesis of novel chemical entities towards the identification of anti-cancer and CNS disorder therapeutic agents
Development of cost-effective and environment benign processes APIs
Post - Doctoral Fellow,
School of Pharmacy,
University of Mississippi - (2002 - 2005)
Post - Doctoral Fellow, Organic Chemistry
University of South Florida - 2002
Ph.D. Organic Chemistry, CSIR-IICT,
(Osmania University) - (1997 - 2002)
M.Sc. Chemistry,
Osmania University - (1995 - 1997)

Dr. Ch. Raji Reddy
Chief Scientist
Department of Organic Synthesis and Process Chemistry
CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
Tarnaka, Hyderabad - 500 007
Phone: 040-27191885 (Off)